??????? ?????:   Monthly Notes:
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2-  ?? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ?????? ????? ??? ?????? ???? ????? .
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4- ???????, ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????  ??????? ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ??????(P) ?? ??????.
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Monthly Notes:

We ask parents to make sure:
1.The child does not suffer from any disease (even the normal flue etc.. )
2.He/She brings his own bag, which contains a towel, water bottle
3.Children can bring their own water bottles and can be filled in the gym.
4.For more safety,
We ask parents to bring and collect their children at the door of the hall on the last floor (P) of the building.
5.Upgrading belts every three months, BUT according to the student's ability to perform the required techniques. In other words, sometimes it takes longer to upgrade.
6.Student Etiquette
( students should knows these before they get their belts)
i.When you enter the dojang bow at the door and to the : Kwan Jang Nim (Master), Sabeomnim (instructors), flags, black belts, and fellow student. When you leave the dojang bow at the door and to the: Kwan Jang Nim, Sabeomnim, black belts, fellow students, and the flags.
ii.Whenever you arrive during a class, enter the dojang (Training Hall ) and wait until your instructor places you in the class. Do not leave the class without permission from the instructor.
iii.The Uniform should be our HAP KI DO uniform.
iv.Always wear a clean, neat uniform to class, and NO jewelry or other accessories (necklace, ring , watches, etc. ) - It can be dangerous to yourself and others.
v.Personal hygiene is important. Also keep nails on both hands and feet trimmed back to protect both yourself and your partner. Also to control body odor, it is good idea to use deodorant or anti-perspirant.
vi.No food in the gym during the classes.
vii.Students to be examined ( for color belts) should attend at least 80% of the classes. (36 days is the period for the test, so at least attend 80% of the 36 days in order to be upgraded for your next level)
viii.Please address all black belts as "sir” regardless of age. This is done to show respect for their instructor status while in the dojang.
ix.Whenever you approach your instructor, bow first and then ask to speak to him politely.
x.Unnecessary Conversation is not permitted during class.
xi.Whenever you need assistance simply inform your instructor that you do not know a particular movement and he will take care of you. Never ask him to show you or demonstrate how to do something. Just explain that you do not know something and trust him to take care of it.
xii.All students must be courteous and must obey their instructor. Advanced students should set a good example for the lower belts.
xiii.Do not demonstrate or teach HAP KI DO outside the school without the express permission of the instructor. Never degrade HAP KI DO or the reputation of your school.
xiv.You must have permission from your instructor to participate in any tournament or martial art activity.
xv.Each student is a member of our family; therefore it would be appreciated if you would let us know if you are ill, are too busy, going on vacation, or will be absent for an extended period. Changes affecting your training are our concern, stop by or call to let us know.
xvi.All students are responsible to keep the dojang clean.
xvii.No sparring or contact allowed without black belt supervision.
xviii.Do not attempt to practice techniques you have not been shown directly by your instructor - there is a reason for this.
xix.You are responsible for your own equipment - take care of it.
xx.Always show respect to your seniors and each other and take it upon yourself to help and encourage your juniors.
These rules are for the benefit of all HAPKIDO students. Violation can lead to belt suspension, or permanent dismissal from the school. Even if you are unable to take part physically in class a student can learn by watching class what is done right by classmates and what is done wrong as well as the why and how of it. It is for your own good that you need to attend class regularly. What you are studying is something special, keep this in mind when you meet and greet one another outside the dojang. Always use your HAPKIDO manners in greeting your classmates/ instructors anywhere. It is through HAPKIDO that you know them so use your HAPKIDO manners.

We wish you all excellent health and great happiness with Hapkido training.

Very important:
Please be advised that because we are restricted to a number limited to each class, it would be great if you kindly book your session at the beginning of the month so we will assign you the the proper class. We assume the existing students are continuing their registration membership unless they inform us other than that.
We would like to draw attention to the fact that registration and payment of fees for classes (and not to be embarrassed) is at the beginning of the month and not at the end of it.

Please note that the fees are non-refundable (only frozen for a month per person only in case of travel) as long as the club is open.
In the event of absence inside Bahrain while the club is open, fees are non-refundable.

Thank you for your continued cooperation with us, and I hope that everyone also understands our obligations
We hope everyone will also understand our obligations.
Thank you for your constant cooperation with us


Exam Fees For Each Belt:BD
Color belt15.00
1st DAN Black Belt100.00
2nd DAN Black Belt150.00
3rd DAN Black Belt200.00
4th DAN Black Belt250.00
5th  DAN Black Belt300.00
6th DAN Black Belt350.00
Please note above Black Belts certificates and belts comes from Korea Hapkido Moo Moo Kwan Federation.

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Regarding single classes; the fees is BD5 per each class.
Regarding private classes; the fees for each class/one hour is BD25 if the number of students are 10 or less than 10 people. If the number of students are more than 10 people, the fees will be BD2.5 per each student.

For any inquiry, please call 39608184